Hello World!
Who doesn't love a blog? It may be a cool decade and a half or so since either of us have skulked the dark recesses of Tumblr or Livejournal but we've come to realize that there may be a lesson or two to share from our experiences (past, present and future!) as a couple with many hashtags... queer, interracial, African American, mixed, Filipino, immigrant, member of diaspora, small business owner, student-debt sufferer, self-employed, new homeowner!
We don't claim to be experts on anything but if sharing our experiences and learnings from the various experiences we've had or challenges we've faced can help anyone out or help at least one person make a better-informed decision (or I guess entertain at least half a person), then great. Worst case scenario, nobody reads this and Saundra gets a chance to cut down on paper notebook space.
You'll mostly be hearing from Saundra out here but for now, from all 3 of us (5 if you count the cats), hello world!